I am a Muslim
Islam is the religion of creation. Mountains, gutters, aqueducts, swell, abysses, globes, stars, creatures, everything in this world, indeed our branches, are all Muslim, and there’s no way to be Muslim. That is, in the state of nature, everyone is adhering God’s laws. Only man has another reality which is called moral reality, i.e. good- wrong, right- wrong, sense- perception and that’s why man is superior. In addition to mortal heart, books and couriers have been given which haven’t been given to any other creation. Everyone is subject to God’s rules. Allah has only given humans the capability to use all of Allah’s creations and our organs. These creations can be used for good and badpurposes.However, also the earth and other creations and the hands, bases, If it’s defiant to Allah or used in evil deeds.
Allah has given his stylish creation to man with heart; Because of which the heart rebukes evil deeds. Along with heart, the Prophet and the Messenger gave gifts. Adam was a prophet along with being the first man. All the Prophets and their followers were Muslims. Muslim means biddable i.e.- Those who observe Allah’s law are Muslims( biddable) and those who defy are Kafir( disobedient). We identify ourselves as’ Muslims’ which means- we’re pious to Allah and this Muslim name is from Allah Rabbul Alamin himself. His words,’ Be established on the ideals of your father Ibrahim. Allah named you’ Muslim’ ahead and in this Book, so that this Messenger may be a substantiation against you and you may be a substantiation against humanity'( Surah Hajj- 78).
Hazrat Ibrahim( AS) supplicated to Allah with his son Ismail( AS), “ O our Lord! Make both of us’ Muslim'( amenable) to You, and make of our get a’ Muslim Ummah'( amenable nation) to You”( Surah Baqarah- 128). Jews, Christians and Muslims are all descendants of Abraham. But Allah Almighty presented Ibrahima.s. in this way-‘ Ibrahim was neither a Jew, nor a Christian( Christian); Rather, he was a devout Muslim. And he wasn’t of the polytheists'( Surah Al- Imran- 67). In all cases tone- identification is given as,’ Say, My prayer, my immolation, my life and my death are for Allah Rabbul Alamin. He has no mates. This is what I’ve been commanded and I’m the first Muslim'( SurahAn’am 162- 163).
All the Prophets and their followers linked themselves as Muslims. In this environment, Allah says,’ also when Jesus felt unbelief from them, he said to them,” Who’ll be my aides in the way of Allah?” also the apostles said, We’ll be aides in the way of Allah. We believe in Allah. You bear substantiation that we’re Muslims( handovers)'( Surah Ale Imran- 52). He also said,” Who can speak better than the person who calls people to Allah and makes himself righteous in deeds and says, surely I’m a Muslim( pious to Allah)”( Surah Hamim As Sajdah- 33).
Allah has advised not to return to Him without getting a Muslim. His words- O people of faith! Fear Allah as you sweat Him and don’t die without getting Muslims'( Surah Ale Imran- 102). At the same time, he promised paradise to his pious( Muslim) retainers. His words-‘ Those who believed in my verses and came Muslims, on that day it’ll be said to them, O my retainers, moment you have no fear and no anguish will touch you moment. Enter Paradise with your misters and women
rejoicing'( Surah Az- Zukhruf 68- 70).
The people of faith have only one prayer- that they die in a Muslim state. After the faith of the magicians, Pharaoh said, I’ll cut off your hands and bases from the contrary side. Give us strength to persist and grant us death as Muslims'( SurahA’raf- 126). Yusuf’s prayer was-‘ You’re my protection in this life and in the hereafter! Give me death as a Muslim and make me a companion of righteous people'( Surah Yusuf- 101).
Then are some quotations from the Quran out of multitudinous verses on naming as Muslim, giving Muslim identity, hanging to die as anon-Muslim, wishing to die as a Muslim, giving good news to Muslims etc. principally Allah has called His blessed retainers as Muslims and this is our identity. There’s no identity other than this. Differences and divisions among us are all tricks of the devil.
Unfortunately, moment we’re no longer proud of our Muslim identity. We now identify Shia- Sunni, Ahle Quran, Ahle Hadith, Hanafi, Maleki,Shafi’i, Hanbali, Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat, how numerous further? Is it just that? Indeed the kirks
have been separated. Let’s suppose a little, what about our division? There’s no difference between us in Farj- Wajib. The difference is about Sunnah- Mustahab. The difference between Mustahab ages was in the period of the Prophet himself. Salat is the base of concinnity of Ummah. Allah’s words-” If they rue, establish prayer and pay zakat, also they’re your religious sisters”( Surah Tawba- 11). A person who repents and observes the two introductory acts of deification, Salat and Zakat, will enjoy all the social and legal rights of other Muslims in an Islamic society.
The biggest assignment in Salah is collective concinnity and brotherhood among Muslims. By coming to the synagogue and soliciting behind the imam for five times, it proves that there’s discipline, fidelity and brotherhood among them. There’s no fault in the muqtadi in Salah, the fault is only if there’s any divagation in the obedience of the imam. Imam may also be wrong. What’s the tolerable position of that mistake? If there’s a mistake in the obligatory prayer, the prayer must be performedagain.However, the Imam Sahib’s attention should be drawn and corrected through Sahu Sajda, If the Wajib is rushed. After that, the error of Sunnah- Mustahab isn’t so serious, that is, the prayer will come. But all the controversies are about the Sunnah- Mustahab and it’s among the Salatites. There’s nothing wrong with idleness and there’s no bickering between them. Doing those deeds that are divided or dissented with will admit the price of a great sunnah; But body and schism will be the sin of Kufr.