What does marriage mean?
Marriage is primarily a social acceptance of sex. Childbearing and child rearing is the next issue but primarily marriage means free sex between a man and a woman. Then the rest of the issues come but is marriage just sex?
no Marriage is not just about sex. Sex is very basic but after that you will understand what marriage is.
After seeing the romance of the hero and heroine in porn films or different films, you may think that if you get married now, we will do this all the time, but no. Marriage is not just for doing these things.
Marriage is a big responsibility especially for men. Marriage is a big responsibility for women but it is a big responsibility for men. In our male-dominated society, men have to take responsibility for women.
The main responsibility of women is to organize the family. Although there are many working women, the workplace is also very important to them, if he is the only earner in the family, the responsibility of this income falls mainly on the man in this society.
After marriage, the main responsibility of a woman is to take care of the family. Cooking, taking the child to school, explaining the child’s reading, giving orders to the grandfather, do this, do that and sometimes talking about happiness and sadness with the neighbor or sister, talking about what happened in a serial, etc. The married life of such a woman goes well.
And the poor cow named Purush, married like a cow for life. If the man sits a little behind in the family or gives a little less money, the family will not run properly.
Where did the man get married at night, he will caress his wife a little but that dream escapes out the window when there is scarcity in the world.
The man woke up early in the morning wearing a shirt and pants and took the bus to go to the office. Late to the office if a little late. If not, pay cut. So you have to go on time anyway. You have to go to the office even if you sweat in the heat of the bus. No time to relax.
At the same time, if the price of goods increases, the condition of men becomes more miserable. Wife, can you feed the baby properly? The child wanted a bicycle. Can you buy it this month? Except for the bicycle, can you buy shoes for the child in this market? Not sure.
The poor male cow’s hair is turning white in tension and getting old before age. On the other hand, the wife is busy discussing with the bhabhi about which heroine is wearing which dress in the serial or is thinking of trying the recipe of Poppy Kitchen today. If the recipe is good, he will call his wife and feed him.
Marriage is a big burden for a man. So men dare not marry until they are able to earn. Until then, he wants to find peace in his body by beating his hands in the bathroom, but if he does the marriage for a woman, he would rather fall on the neck of the husband instead of the father. He doesn’t care much. It will work if the husband is a little caring.
Married life is therefore two types for women and men where men have to take more responsibility.
Marriage or marriage is a social bond or legal contract through which a conjugal relationship is established between two people. [1] Although the definition of marriage varies from country to country, in general marriage is an institution through which intimate and sexual relations between two people are socialized. get recognition In some cultures, consummation of marriage is recommended or considered mandatory before engaging in any sexual activity. In terms of the detailed definition, marriage is a global universal culture. Marriages may generally be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, an indigenous group, a local community or group of individuals. This is often seen as a contract. Marriages are usually solemnized through religious or secular ceremonies. Matrimonial activity usually creates a socially-accepted or legal obligation between the couple, through which they can legitimately procreate voluntarily. In some parts of the world, family-planned marriage, child marriage, polygamy and forced marriage are celebrated as cultural traditions. Needless to say, due to international law and women’s rights initiatives, the aforementioned marriage practices have been included in laws as punishable offenses in various parts of the world. In terms of legal recognition, most sovereign states and other jurisdictions limit marriage to two people of the opposite sex, and a handful of these states recognize polygamy, child marriage, and forced marriage. Over the past 20th century, an increasing number of states and other jurisdictions have legalized interstate marriage, interfaith marriage, and most recently same-sex marriage. Some cultures allow divorce through divorce, and in some places child marriage and polygamy are practiced despite state legal prohibitions. Family begins through marriage. Apart from this, the opportunity of procreation and inheritance is created through marriage. Men related to each other through marriage are identified as husbands (pati) and women as wives (wife). The joint life of husband and wife is termed as “conjugal life”. Different religions have different marriage customs. Similarly, marriages are held in different societies in different customs. Although marriage is primarily a religious practice, it is also a legal practice in modern civilization. Sex outside of marriage is recognized as illegal and is a sin and crime called adultery.
In Islam, sexual relations between men and women are permitted through marriage. Islamic marriage requires the consent of both the bride and groom and the presence and consent of the legal guardian or wali of both parties during the marriage. Dowry has no place in Islamic marriage. Before the marriage, the groom has to pay a certain amount of money or wealth to the bride according to the bride’s demand, it is called dowry. In addition, informing family members and acquaintances after marriage is also an Islamic duty.[2][3][4][5] According to Islamic law, a man can marry up to four times according to his desire to give equal rights to all wives. And if unable to give equal rights, only one marriage will be allowed. Multiple marriages are not allowed for girls. In Islam, a Muslim can marry a non-Muslim if the non-Muslim believes (accepts Islam).